Every player can attack other players within +/- 2 attack zones.
- attack zone 1 can only be attacked from attack aone 1
- inactive planets can always be attacked
- in an Alliance Attack , all members have to check themselves whether the target is attackable (that is: red). The system will not automatically do so.
Zone 1 | 0 - 49 Points | special protection zone, see above |
Zone 2 | 50 - 199 Points |
Zone 3 | 200 - 399 Points |
Zone 4 | 400 - 799 Points |
Zone 5 | 800 - 1.199 Points |
Zone 6 | 1.200 - 1.999 Points |
Zone 7 | 2.000 - 4.999 Points |
Zone 8 | 5.000 - 9.999 Points |
Zone 9 | 10.000 - 19.999 Points |
Zone 10 | 20.000 - 39.999 Points |
Zone 11 | 40.000 - 89.999 Points |
Zone 12 | 90.000 - 199.999 Points |
Zone 13 | 200.000 - 499.999 Points |
Zone 14 | 500.000 - 999.999 Points |
Zone 15 | 1.000.000 - Points |