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Blast Furnace

The blast furnace converts - under supply of energy - two units of pig iron to metal.



Construction costs

Level Pig Iron Kryptonite Construction time Consumption Pig iron/h Production Metal/h Consumption Energy/h
1 75 25 00:01:30 -24 12 -2
2 114 38 00:02:17 -54 27 -5
3 172 58 00:03:28 -94 47 -9
4 259 87 00:05:13 -146 73 -13
5 390 130 00:07:49 -210 105 -20
6 589 197 00:11:50 -290 145 -27
7 890 297 00:17:52 -390 195 -37
8 1.343 448 00:26:57 -512 256 -48
9 2.028 676 00:40:41 -664 332 -63
10 3.061 1.021 01:01:25 -848 424 -80
11 4.623 1.541 01:32:45 -1.074 537 -102
12 6.980 2.327 02:20:02 -1.348 674 -128
13 10.539 3.513 03:31:20 -1.678 839 -159
14 15.914 5.305 05:19:16 -2.080 1.040 -198
15 24.030 8.010 08:02:05 -2.562 1.281 -244
16 36.285 12.095 12:07:56 -3.144 1.572 -299
17 54.789 18.263 18:19:10 -3.840 1.920 -365
18 82.732 27.578 1 D 03:39:46 -4.676 2.338 -445
19 124.925 41.642 1 D 17:46:13 -5.678 2.839 -540
20 188.636 62.879 2 D 15:04:22 -6.872 3.436 -654
21 284.840 94.947 3 D 23:14:23 -8.300 4.150 -790
22 430.108 143.370 5 D 23:48:43 -9.998 4.999 -952
23 649.463 216.488 9 D 01:09:21 -12.022 6.011 -1145
24 980.689 326.897 13 D 15:54:20 -14.426 7.213 -1374
25 1.480.840 493.614 20 D 15:08:13 -17.282 8.641 -1645
26 2.236.068 745.356 31 D 03:39:23 -20.668 10.334 -1.968
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