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This website is a gamer fansite for "Space Invasion". Images of buildings, research and units are taken from the game itself (c) Bigpoint.
Special thanks goes to Hazzit , Diapope and Logo34.

Privacy Policy

This websites logs usage information provided by your internet browser. This information is not linked specific individuals, and will not be linkted to other sources. The following information is stored:
  • browser / -version
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  • time of access
Storing an email address is voluntary, and is used solely for password-recovery. There will be no other mails to this address. You can remove your email address at any time.

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Jörn Daub
Glashütter Weg 105
22889 Tangstedt
Tel.: +49 4109/2012-0 Please use for urgent calls only!
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Mail: jcd [at] daubnet [dot] com

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hazzit [at] gmail [dot] com

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