Battle Report Link to this page: http://www.si-master.com/kb159509 ROUND - 1 - Attacker hu/\/ter [xx:xxx:xx] Weapons:140% Shield:140% Defence:0%
Defender The~Chosen~One [xx:xxx:xx] Weapons:120% Shield:140% Defence:0%
The attacking fleet fires 103789 times with a fire power of 74645779.2 + X damage points. The defending fleet absorbs 22707249.6 damage points. The defending fleet fires 61825 times with a fire power of 21030598.6 + X damage points. The attacking fleet absorbs 21030598.6 damage points. ROUND - 2 - Attacker hu/\/ter
Defender The~Chosen~One
The attacking fleet fires 103780 times with a fire power of 74643264 + X damage points. The defending fleet absorbs 16294872 damage points. The defending fleet fires 23120 times with a fire power of 15073564 + X damage points. The attacking fleet absorbs 15073564 damage points. ROUND - 3 - Attacker hu/\/ter
Defender The~Chosen~One
The attacking fleet fires 103776 times with a fire power of 74642016 + X damage points. The defending fleet absorbs 408240 damage points. The defending fleet fires 468 times with a fire power of 308220 + X damage points. The attacking fleet absorbs 308220 damage points. ROUND - 4 - Attacker hu/\/ter
Defender The~Chosen~One DESTROYED The attacker has won the battle! He captures 41.631.940 pig iron, 2.248.936 metal, 8.502.730 kryptonite, 13.526.572 spice. The attacker has lost a total of 617.000 units. The defender has lost a total of 2.118.497.000 units. There are now 487.175.000 metal and 351.016.200 kryptonite at these space coordinates. The chance of an asteroid forming is 20% |