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Micro-system Accelerator

The Micro-system accelerator shortens the construction times of buildings, fleets and defensive arrangements.
in contrast to the Development centre and the Weapons factory every step doubles the speed, in effect cutting the construction times by 50%. While a weapons factory level 10 reduces the construction time to 1/10th, a Micro-system accelerator level 10 cuts it down to 1/1024th.


Energy technology level 10
Development centre level 12

Construction costs

Level Metal Kryptonite Spice Construction time Construction time shortening Comments
1 500.000 1.000.000 250.000 17 D 16:22:58 1/2  
2 1.000.000 2.000.000 500.000 35 D 08:45:56 1/4 allows Teleporter (needs, in addition Teleportation Level 6 )
3 2.000.000 4.000.000 1.000.000 70 D 17:31:51 1/8  
4 ? ? ?   1/16  
5 ? ? ?   1/32  
6 ? ? ?   1/64  
List of Buildings
Construction time factor = 1 / (2 level )
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