Battle Report ROUND - 1 - Attacker djoeckers [xx:xxx:xx] Weapons:130% Shield:130% Defence:120%
Defender Niebinator58 [xx:xxx:xx] Weapons:100% Shield:110% Defence:80%
The attacking fleet fires 20200 times with a fire power of 13859800 + X damage points. The defending fleet absorbs 1662624.6 damage points. The defending fleet fires 2841 times with a fire power of 1615540 + X damage points. The attacking fleet absorbs 1615540 damage points. ROUND - 2 - Attacker djoeckers
Defender Niebinator58 DESTROYED The attacker has won the battle! He captures 2.946.995 pig iron, 1.427.187 metal, 2.397.605 kryptonite, 858.238 spice. The attacker has lost a total of 0 units. The defender has lost a total of 172.315.000 units. There are now 39.854.000 metal and 28.815.200 kryptonite at these space coordinates. The chance of an asteroid forming is 20% |